"First Ever" Fifty Four Ten Studio Knit-a-Long!
It’s exciting to announce that I’m hosting the first ever Fifty Four Ten Studio knit-a-long! Honestly, I’ve been thinking about organizing a knit-a-long (often referred to as simply “KAL”) for several years but a plan never came together. The other day, I decided that it was finally time to make a plan!
SELECT A KNITTING PROJECT: To participate in this knit-a-long select ANY of my Fifty Four Ten Studio knitting patterns and the yarn of your choice. Shop for Fifty Four Ten Studio knitting patterns on this website and on Ravelry.
HOW TO SHARE YOUR PROJECT: Share your project on Ravelry, Instagram or by email to Mary Lee at FiftyFourTenStudio@gmail.com. This is an online knit-a-long only!
WHEN: The first ever Fifty Four Ten Studio knit-a-long runs for eight weeks from Saturday, March 22nd until Saturday, May 17th, 2025. For those who might be knitting a large blanket this allows lots of time to make progress on your project!
PRIZES: Are there prizes for the knit-a-long? Yes! Keep reading below for all the details.
DEADLINE: Share your project by Saturday, May 17, 2025 to be eligible for one of several prizes.
REGISTER: Click the button below to register for the knit-a-long! You must register to be eligible for prizes.
Tackling a big blanket project and not sure you can complete it by the May 17th deadline? No worries!! Your knit-a-long project does not have to be complete to be eligible for prizes. Finished or work-in-progress projects will be considered!
Keep reading to get all the details on how to register for the knit-a-long, how to participate, and see the list of prizes!
Did you catch that you can use any of my Fifty Four Ten Studio knitting patterns for this knit-a-long?
Of course, a knit-a-long is a fun time to cast on a new project! However, it’s also completely fine to use the project that’s currently on your needles or pull out a Fifty Four Ten Studio project that you started a while ago. It’s a great time to use this knit-a-long as motivation to get your project finished up. Pick up a project that’s been hibernating (or the one you are working on now) and join in the fun of a knit-a-long!
If you want to cast on a new knitting project for the knit-a-long and are not sure what to make, some ideas include: a baby blanket for your niece or nephew’s new baby, a chunky blanket for a young adult heading to college or moving into their first place, a winter scarf for a favorite guy in your life (makes a great gift for a father-in-law or hubby!), a pretty wrap or wide scarf for yourself using a hand-dyed yarn, or a cozy throw for a your living room or a wedding gift.
Shop for Fifty Four Ten Studio knitting patterns on this website or on Ravelry.
One of the unexpected joys of designing knitting patterns over the last 11 years has been seeing the projects that knitters create using my patterns. I hope you’ll consider joining in this knit-a-long as a way to share your projects and celebrate your knitting creations. I’m looking forward to seeing the Fifty Four Ten Studio projects that are on your knitting needles in the next few weeks!
The fun part about a knit-a-long is sharing your project so other knitters can see what you are making!
To be eligible for prizes (see info below!) you will need to share your Fifty Four Ten Studio knit-a-long project one of three ways: Ravelry, Instagram or email.
Here are some tips on how to share your knit-a-long project:
Ravelry: Share your project on Ravelry with photos and details about your project including the name of the pattern you are using, size you are making, yarn used, knitting needles, and notes about your project. Click here to see my blog post with step-by-step tips on how to add a project to Ravelry.
Instagram: Post a photo of your project on your Instagram account and share details about your project. Be sure to tag @FiftyFourTenStudio (Please send me an Instagram message to make sure I see your post.) Use hashtags: #FiftyFourTenStudioKAL & #FiftyFourTenStudio
Email: Send project photos and details about your project to Mary Lee at FiftyFourTenStudio@gmail.com. My email address is also included in all of my knitting patterns.
Share Finished Projects: Attractive photos of finished projects are fabulous! And, notes about the yarn you used, size made, etc. are helpful to other knitters.
Share WIP Photos: Work-in-progress photos are also wonderful!
Taking attractive photos of handmade projects can take some practice. Here’s a link to my blog post about taking photos of knitting projects.
I’ll be sharing select knit-a-long project photos (with permission of the maker) in upcoming newsletters and social media posts, as well as a knit-a-long wrap up blog post.
Click here to see my collection of knitting patterns! All of my knitting patterns are also available on Ravelry.
If you have participated in a knit-a-long previously… you know that prizes are part of the fun!
Knit-a-long prize winners will be selected based on a well-crafted and attractive project, clear and appealing project photos, as well as informative project notes.
Here is a list of the Fifty Four Ten Studio knit-a-long prizes:
Prize #1: A $100 gift certificate to Yarn Social… a cute little yarn shop in Kansas City, Missouri (my hometown!). The winner may shop in person at this Kansas City yarn store or online at yarnsocial.com. They ship throughout the U.S. and worldwide for a reasonable fee. This prize will be awarded to one participant.
Prize #2: Knitting Words Insulated Travel Mug from my Fifty Four Ten Studio Zazzle shop AND three (3) Fifty Four Ten Studio PDF digital knitting patterns of your choice. This prize will be awarded to at least one participant. Travel mug ships directly to you worldwide.
Prize #3: “I Brought My Knitting” Tote Bag in your choice of color from my Fifty Four Ten Studio Zazzle shop AND three (3) Fifty Four Ten Studio PDF digital knitting patterns of your choice. This prize will be awarded to at least one participant. Tote bag ships directly to you worldwide.
Prize #4: Three (3) Fifty Four Ten Studio PDF digital knitting patterns of your choice. This prize will be awarded to at least three participants.
More details about prizes:
Prize winners will be notified by May 20, 2025.
Prize winners will be notified by email, as well as Ravelry or Instagram message depending on how the project was shared.
Prize #2 & #3 winners will need to provide their mailing address for shipping of prize from Zazzle.
Prize winners will be announced (by first name only) in a Fifty Four Ten Studio newsletter, blog post and social media in late May.
Be sure to read the details below about how to be eligible for prizes!
You must sign up on this registration form by Friday, May 2, 2025.
Use any Fifty Four Ten Studio knitting pattern to knit a project of your choice.
You need to share your knit-a-long project one of three ways: as a Ravelry Project, on your Instagram account, or by email to FiftyFourTenStudio@gmail.com.
Your knit-a-long project does not have to be complete to be eligible for prizes. Finished and work-in-progress projects will be considered.
Deadline to share project is Saturday, May 17, 2025.
I hope you will join the Fifty Four Ten Studio knit-a-long! I’m excited to see the projects knitters choose to make and share!
Happy knitting!